Technical Annual Reports


* Original reports are written in Japanese.

* An English abstract of each research paper is posted on the last page of the main text.

Feature Article
  • Seismic Design and Earthquake Ground Motion in Japan
    Norio Suzuki, Tomonori Ikeura, Tomoki Hikita, Kentaro Kasamatsu and Yusuke Tomozawa
Research Papers

Geotechnical and Geological Engineering and Rock Mechanics

Structural Engineering and Aseismic Technology

Materials and Construction Systems

Building Environment Engineering

Environmental Engineering

  • In-situ LNAPL Recovering Technology with Multi-phase Extraction
    Using Highly Lipophilic Plastic Board Drains
    Tatsushi Kawai, Maiko Kawano, Yutaka Kamijima, Tasuma Suzuki, Hisatomo Fukui,
    Keisuke Ohta and Takeshi Matsubara

Disaster Prevention Engineering

  • Impact of Prior Release Operation by Multi-purpose Reservoir
    Considering Medium-term Ensemble Prediction of Precipitation on Water Supply
    and Power Production
    Daisuke Nohara
  • Investment Decision Support for Business Sustainability Improvement
    with Structural Measures Based on Flood Inundation Simulations with a Variety of
    Extreme Rainfall Scenarios
    Saki Nonaka, Nobuyuki Iwamae, Daisuke Nohara and Yoriyuki Yamada

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