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The Three Missions of Kajima Technical Research Institute :  “R&D on Advanced Construction Technologies”, “Technical Supports” and “Training and Technology Diffusion”

Kajima Technical Research Institute (KaTRI) has been playing the key role, while collaborating with other divisions of Kajima Corporation, in the R&D activities, diffusion of new technologies and construction methods, and sharing of the technical information since its establishment in 1949.

KaTRI also provides technical supports and consultations for designing, implementing and improving advanced structures as well as for ensuring proper functions of the structures so that our customers can continue to use our products for a long time with confidence and assurance.

KaTRI considers it an equally important role of itself to provide technical training to our fellow employees at Kajima Corporation as well as to make contributions to the activities of academic societies and technological associations.

KaTRI will continue to dedicate itself to these missions in the years to come.

R&D on Advanced Construction Technologies at KaTRI

All the R&D activities at KaTRI are being undertaken in accordance with the R&D policies of Kajima Corporation. These being;

  • Fundamental R&D:
    Independent R&D programs for “seeds” technologies which are undertaken with KaTRI’s initiative.
  • Divisional R&D:
    Comprehensive R&D programs on marketable and/or practical technologies and services. The programs are under the management of the technical divisions of Kajima Corporation. A company-wide project team is organized to conduct R&D where KaTRI often plays a key role.
  • Collaborative R&D:
    Joint R&D programs with domestic and/or foreign organizations such as universities, public research institutions and private corporations.

KaTRI’s Technical Supports

KaTRI’s state-of-the-art experience and facilities are available as a source of the most practical solutions of technical problems and difficulties.

  • In-house supports:
    KaTRI provides our construction sites with necessary supports for quick solutions to assure the highest qualities in the products, if technical problems or difficulties are encountered in design or execution of the construction works.
  • Supports for outside organizations:
    KaTRI provides outside organizations, both our customers and non-customers in public and private sectors, with measures or assistances for their problems awaiting practical solutions.

Training and Technology Diffusion

KaTRI’s state-of-the-art experience and facilities are applied to training technical staff members of various divisions and branches of Kajima Corporation. Up-to-date outcomes of KaTRI’s R&D activities are subjected to prompt technology diffusion by means of technical publications, lectures and other medium both in-house and outside the corporation.

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