Katri Home > Research Activities > Mechatronics



Mechatronics supports IT oriented construction engineering.

To solve important tasks of the construction industry, Kajima has been tackling and improving productivity through creating of the automation technologies of the execution machines, observation construction systems and construction environments in which workers can perform efficiently and safely. Especially, research for advancement of design, execution and management construction structures using some advanced technologies of electromagnetism, laser , ultrasonic and IT which shows remarkable progressing lately, is executed actively.

Visual steering control system for AGV

Visual steering control system for AGV

Measurement of geometry and displacement using vision metrology

Measurement of geometry and displacement using vision metrology

Volume measurement system of earth-and-sand, laded on a dump truck

Volume measurement system of earth-and-sand, loaded on a dump truck

Structural health monitoring using optical fiber sensor

Structural health monitoring using optical fiber sensor

Measurement of concrete cover thickness before concrete casting

Measurement of concrete cover thickness before concrete casting

Reduction of infrasound radiated from vibrating screen

Reduction of infrasound radiated from vibrating screen

Active control device for floor vibration “Vibro KAT”

Active control device for floor vibration “Vibro KAT”

Structural health monitoring using wireless data transmission(Image of measurement in tunnel)

Structural health monitoring using wireless data transmission (Image of measurement in tunnel)

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