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Sustainability-Focused Management

Message from the President

Message from Kajima’s President

Kajima Group’s Material Issues

The Kajima Group's material issues for achieving sustainable growth alongside society and for increasing(enhancing, improving) the Group's corporate value


Policies at the Kajima Group


Kajima provides technologies and services to support the business activities of our customers and help them address their environmental and energy issues in the areas of carbon neutrality, resource recycling, and harmoniously co-existence with nature.


Kajima provides superior quality services in the fields of urban development, building construction, and social infrastructure.


Kajima strives to enhance corporate governance and develop internal controls and systematic steps, as well as to ensure compliance and promote risk management.

Kajima’s Social Contribution Activities

Kajima actively conducts social contribution activities leveraging technologies, experience, personnel and networks we have cultivated in our businesses.

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