Kajima Group Vision
In a business environment changing at an ever-accelerating pace, Kajima created a vision that is designed to ensure that internal and external stakeholders understand the course the Kajima Group has charted to the future.
The Kajima Group Vision consists of the Vision Statement, which articulates the Kajima Group’s future direction, and the Values we will uphold in realizing the Vision Statement.

Vision Statement
The Vision Statement incorporates two values
— respecting the past and embracing challenges for the future.
Respecting the Past
Passing on the passion, relationships and trust of employees, customers, society and craftsmen, and the traditional technology that Kajima has cultivated as a technology-driven company, to the next generation as a source of new value creation
Embracing Challenges for the Future
To ensure sustainable growth, constantly pursue self-improvement by leveraging the power of ideas, and remain committed to providing a sense of excitement and expectation by making imagination and amazement a reality

When communicating how practicing the values will lead to the achievement of the Vision, a helpful metaphor is that of trees, representing the Kajima Group, growing into larger trees.
The soil beneath the trees represents our corporate culture. It expresses the integrity, unwavering technological innovation and commitment to Kajima quality that define the Kajima Group’s heritage, which respects people and appreciates the worth of technology.
The tree trunk represents the initiative to not limit ourselves to our existing construction contracting business, but to have the creativity to enter business areas from upstream to downstream sectors of the construction value chain, or new business domains.
The branches and leaves of the tree represent diversity. We place importance on diverse human resources and work styles, and have the receptiveness to accept cutting-edge ideas and different values.
The sun, rain, wind and bird represent our external connections, and the nourishment we receive from outside represents openness. Rather than falling into a “go-it-alone” mentality, we seek external resources and stimuli necessary for business creation and research and development, and have the ability to adapt to change.
The various small trees starting to grow from the soil represent the buds of new business models.
These three elements—initiative, diversity, and openness—are essential for the Kajima Group going forward. To grow the “Kajima Group tree,” we will place highest priority on developing human resources and organizations with these elements.