Kajima Group’s Material Issues
In July 2019, we looked at the relationship between the SDGs and the Kajima Group’s business activities, Medium-Term Business Plan measures, and other activities. We then grouped the results into seven categories of material issues for both addressing social issues and achieving sustainable growth for the Kajima Group.
We continued to regularly review the material issues and in 2024 conducted a full review while framing the Medium-Term Business Plan (2024–2026) and Kajima Environmental Vision 2050plus. We have partially revised our issues of materiality related to the environment as well as some other areas after considering the changes in social environment, opinions from external specialists, and input from our internal departments.
Determination of Material Issues
Based on the chart above, we identified issues that are important to the Kajima Group and have a major impact on society. We have condensed, reorganized and labeled these as seven material issues: four to which the Kajima Group can contribute through its businesses and three that form the basis for business sustainability
- Responding to climate change
- Promoting efficient use and ensuring a stable supply of energy
- Contributing to the transition to a carbon neutral society
- Preserving biodiversity
- Promoting resource recycling
- Assuring and improving quality
- Increasing labor productivity
- Improving employment conditions for skilled workers
- Nurturing human resources
- Strengthening partnerships
- Ensuring occupational safety
- Championing diversity, equity & inclusion
- Conducting fair business practices
- Ensuring compliance
- Respecting human rights
Process for Revising Material Issues
Our Material Issues and Related SDGs
4 Carbon neutral, recycling resources, and restoring the natural environment
Kajima helping decarbonize society by reducing CO2 emissions during construction projects, developing energy-efficient technologies and eco-friendly materials, building, engineering, and operating renewable-energy power generation facilities, developing green buildings, and enabling efficient energy management. We are promoting resource recycling and the use of recycled materials to establish a circular economy and also engaging in nature-positive activities to help revitalize the natural environment, such as preserving and regenerating coral and seaweed beds and using company-owned forests. We are seeking to realize the synergistic effects and accomodate the trade-offs from decarbonization, resource circulation, and natural environment restoration.
Contribution through Customers’ Businesses
- Delivering zero-emission and other energy-efficient buildings
- Structuring optimal energy systems
- Constructing renewable-energy power generation facilities
- Promoting green infrastructure
- Promoting wider use of eco-friendly concrete
- Providing technology for coral and seaweed bed conservation and regeneration
Contribution through Our Businesses
- Reducing CO2 emissions during construction
- Developing green buildings
- Developing renewable energy power generation projects and facilities
- Developing and using eco-friendly materials
- Using recycled construction materials
- Utilizing Kajima-owned forests in a sustainable and responsible way
- The Kajima Environmental Vision: 2050plus
Related SDGs
5 Focusing on unwavering technological innovation and Kajima quality
Kajima uses its worldwide R&D network to advance its technologies and digital transformation and continue improving productivity and safety when formulating sustainable next-generation construction systems that provide new value. We are also constantly improving our quality inspection and assurance systems so we remain confident that we are delivering high-quality and safe buildings and infrastructure to our customers.
Platform for Business Sustainability
- Promoting technology development and digital transformation to improve productivity and safety and to create new value
- Ensuring safe, high-quality buildings through rigorous quality assurance systems
- Leveraging our worldwide R&D network
- Mechanizing, automating and employing ICT in construction
- Kajima Smart Future
Related SDGs
6 Construction that emphasizes people and partnerships
Kajima promotes workstyle reform at construction sites, secures construction personnel, hires and nurtures human resources, and creates an attractive working environment in which every employee can excel. In Japan and worldwide, we co-create value with our business partners and promote innovation through collaboration with external parties including universities, research institutes, companies and other industries, and start-ups.
Platform for Business Sustainability
- Ensuring occupational health and safety
- Promoting work-style reform
- Securing construction personnel, and reforming the multilayer subcontracting structure
- Supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion in our workforce
- Training and developing human resources
- Using open innovation
- Mechanizing, automating and employing ICT in construction
- Kajima Smart Future
Related SDGs
7 Practicing corporate ethics
Kajima practices thorough compliance and risk management to ensure fair and honest corporate activities. All Group employees and directors are expected to act at an ethically high level, and initiatives throughout the supply chain are implemented to earn and maintain the trust of our customers and society. We respect the human rights of all stakeholders, including in all areas of the supply chain.
Platform for Business Sustainability
- Ensuring rigorous compliance
- Enhancing risk management systems and process management
- Conducting fair supply chain management
- Respecting human rights
Related SDGs