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Waseda University Honjo Senior High School, Building No.95
Waseda University Honjo Senior High School, Building No.95

This high school's hilltop campus is dotted with buildings and blessed with a rich natural environment. To coincide with the school's 30th anniversary, based on the university's future concept for the campus and a basic layout master plan, this project focused on a new school building to face an existing sports ground in the lower southern quarter. The exterior design utilized a simple, economical shape. An expanded metal aluminum screen is attached to the window anterior, which functions to reduce bird strike and enhance the comfort of the indoor thermal and light environment. The inner area comprises three floors of classrooms connected organically by ample pedestrian space and featuring a lounge that encourages interaction and communication. The design aims to contribute to the further development of the school's unique culture, which was nurtured by the previous building's signature courtyard space.

ClientWaseda University
LocationKurisaki, Honjo-City, Saitama
Floor Area9,070m2
Completion January 2012
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