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Employing and Nurturing Human Resources

1. Human Rights Promotion Initiatives

Kajima supports and respects the International Bill of Human Rights, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the Children's Rights and Business Principles, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact, and other international standards related to human rights. Since the establishment of the Kajima Group Human Rights Policy in March 2021, Kajima has been committed to activities to fulfill its responsibility for respecting human rights. To promote awareness and understanding among employees, we regularly hold human rights training sessions at branch offices nationwide, and we publish information companywide about the Movement to End Violence against Women advocated every year by the Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office and other organizations. To promote respect for human rights through the value chain, we also refer to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights when conducting business operations.

We have set forth a basic policy and have introduced awareness-raising programs with regard to activities to prevent sexual harassment and power harassment, such as training sessions given by external lecturers to prevent harassment, education through video teaching aids, human rights training, and supervisor training. In addition, if employees experience an impact on their human rights from Kajima's businesses, they can contact the whistleblowing and harassment contact offices at the Head Office and branch offices and consult with external experts by phone. Employees can report or seek advice anonymously and their personal information as well as the details of reports and consultation cases will be treated as classified. We provide external stakeholders with consultation through our contact office. We always investigate the facts and work to resolve consultation cases carefully in accordance with company regulations so as not to create any disadvantage to callers. We train employees in managerial positions and higher so that they will take action in consideration of stakeholders' human rights.

Regarding one report of internal harassment, we investigated and resolved the case in accordance with company regulations without creating a disadvantage to the reporter. We will continue to raise awareness at compliance training sessions and on other occasions going forward.

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2. A Personnel System that Values Employees

Kajima strives to treat employees fairly based on the Kajima Group Code of Conduct. We also promote measures to facilitate communication between the company and employees, and to help employees build their careers and maintain motivation.

Fair Evaluation and Individual Career Building

Kajima has systems to evaluate individual employees equally and fairly so that they can work at ease and display their full potential with pride. Every half year, we set targets, evaluate results, and have evaluators interview employees, thereby nurturing human resources with attention given to career building for employees.

In addition, we survey employees every year to find out if they want to be transferred to other departments or change their jobs, to facilitate appropriate staffing. We also carry out follow-up activities with individual employees. For some categories of employees, we implement a rotation system so that personnel change departments and duties according to the number of years they are employed. These measures help us incorporate a diverse range of values, letting employees work actively in many different environments.

Nurturing Human Resources

In view of the future expansion of its business domains, Kajima emphasizes the nurturing of human resources that can comprehensively manage personnel with a high level of expertise. To provide young employees with more opportunities to obtain professional certificates and gain experience, we conduct human resource development programs that help them obtain professional certificates and strengthen their expertise.

Key training programs

Kajima Education and Training Scheme

Health Management for Employees and Their Families

The health of employees is an important matter for both themselves and their families.
In October 2020, Kajima established the Kajima Group Statement for Health and Productivity Management and proclaimed that it will actively promote employees' health and that it will practice health and productivity management under the principles of "creating vibrant, safe, and secure workplace conditions," "assisting individual employees in taking care of, maintaining, and promoting their health," and "creating an excellent cycle where the outcome of health and productivity management leads to Kajima Group's sustainable growth and the increased well-being of employees and their families." We view long work hours as a major issue to solve, and it is bolstering its health management framework to help prevent overwork. We are engaging in the promotion of work-life balance, work hour reduction campaigns, and the steady use of paid leave and vacation days, in measures that are implemented jointly by the Human Resources Department and employee associations. We also provide face-to-face guidance and specific health guidance by occupational health physicians as needed. Additionally, if employees are forced to take a leave of absence due to an injury or illness, we provide return-to-work programs for them on an individual basis, and we conduct follow-up activities with them such as through interviews and an on-the-job rehabilitation process when they return to work.

Working with Employee Associations

Kajima understands freedom of association and collective bargaining to be rights that employees are entitled to. We promote labor-management dialog while respecting the principles of freedom of association and collective bargaining. Based on this view, Kajima has a robust labor-management relationship and it negotiates with employee associations when discussing wages or reforming systems. Furthermore, we regularly hold forums on employees' working environments and occupational health and safety every year. In this way, we work to create a more pleasant workplace environment.

Initiatives to Improve Labor Standards

Kajima thoroughly complies with local laws and regulations with regard to labor standards, including wages and work hours. In addition, we offer working conditions that go above and beyond legal requirements in order to secure excellent people.

We investigate any risk promptly once it is identified, so as to proactively prevent compliance violations. Although we have not encountered any case where the Risk Management Committee has taken disciplinary action after investigation and deliberation, we will continue to work on preventive measures while using these risks as case studies in training.

Furthermore, to ameliorate the state of overwork observed across the construction industry, Kajima participates in the Five-Day Workweek Promotion Headquarters established by the Japan Federation of Construction Contractors, a construction industry group. Going forward, we will continue to further improve the workplace environment on an industry-wide basis.

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3. Nurturing Engineers at Kajima

Technology is essential for constructing buildings and civil engineering structures that will be handed down through the ages and generations. There are two kinds of technology; new technologies that companies develop, and technologies for building structures at construction sites.

Regarding the latter, Kajima engages in systematic education programs that combine group education and on-site practical education to pass down information to the younger generation regarding the processes for build structures at construction sites, as well as the ideal mindset cultivated by Kajima engineers through a fusion of knowledge with experience.

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