Water Resources
Solving Customer Issues
Changes in climate patterns, population growth and other factors have turned water resource conservation into a material issue for customers. In Japan in particular, there is a growing need to rebuild water and sewage treatment plants and other life infrastructure facilities due to their aging and problems related to earthquake-resistance. In light of this, attention is being drawn to Private Finance Initiatives (PFI) for developing social infrastructure. While social infrastructure was conventionally developed in public projects, people have focused on Public Private Partnerships (PPP) in recent years, in which the public and private sectors share responsibilities and roles. PFI are being implemented in a steadily broadening range of areas.
Kajima supports many PFI/PPP projects in both technological and operational areas, such as the Yokohama City Kawai Water Treatment Plant Redevelopment Project and the Toyohashi City Biomass Resource Utilization Facility Construction/Operation Project.
Water Resources in Our Business Operations
Kajima defines three representative water risks in its business operations: water contamination in the surrounding environment, floods, and droughts. To conserve water resources, we promote the initiatives described below while considering the reduction of water usage and the conservation of the local water quality and environment to be material issues.
At our offices, we monitor and analyze water usage on a per-facility basis, and we pursue upgrades to water-efficient equipment as well as the introduction of equipment for utilizing recycled water and rain water.
Companies in the construction industry are not at liberty to be selective about construction sites. If we are asked to construct facilities in a highly water-stressed area, we consult water-stress and hazard maps for local water risks (such as restrictions related to the quantities of water intake and discharge and the quality of water, as well as the possibility for water damage) at each construction-site basis before construction work starts. We consider appropriate flood control measures, develop water use plans, and then carry out construction works. When planning water use, we strive to recycle water and reduce the quantities of water intake and discharge and we place particular emphasis on controlling of the quality of discharged water. We consult with local water stakeholders as needed, we carry out daily on-site management in accordance with our own control standards that go beyond statutory requirements, and we send personnel from branch offices and the Head Office to patrol construction sites and check the status of water quality management. Through these measures, we work thoroughly to prevent the contamination of local water resources.
The results of water quality management activities (such as regulatory non-compliance), including the management of hazardous substances other than water, are available in "Targets and Actual Figures" under the headings Common Foundation Initiative Areas, and Management of Hazardous Substances.
* The quantity of water required at construction sites significantly differs depending on the type and scale of the construction and the construction method. We do not set company-wide targets for water usage reduction due to the nature of the construction industry in which new construction orders are received every year. However, we make efforts to conserve water resources by striving to reduce waste at each construction site.