Home > Sustainability > Policies > Kajima Environmental Vision: Triple Zero 2050

Kajima Environmental Vision: Triple Zero 2050

Background to the Formulation of the Vision

Kajima assesses environmental risks and opportunities in construction operations as follows:

Carbon Neutral Society
  • To achieve the 2050 carbon neutrality goal, both adopting renewable energy and making society more energy efficient are urgent tasks.
  • High expectation is observed to construction industry like initiatives to zero energy building (ZEB) since it is a high-priority measures from the standpoint that energy efficiency of buildings is in particular cost and reduction effectiveness together with adaptable easily.
  • Resource usage has been largely utilized as well as CO2 emissions related to the production, processing and transportation of materials.
Recycling Resources Society
  • There is a room for more efficient resource utilization since construction industry has a large amount of resource and waste consumption.
  • Potential to take advantage of recycled materials (including derived from other industries),therefore, an important role in resource recycling.
  • By leveraging the long-life of the building, the large role in the creation of stock society.
Natural Symbiosis Society
  • In the construction business, a role in modifying the direct natural environment through construction projects which has been involved in the local eco-system, as well as the potential of biodiversity restoration in the urban redevelopment.
  • Since the urban concentration of the population progresses, the growing importance of biodiversity restoration in the city.
  • Through wood procurement and resource procurement, biodiversity can be addressed in logged spots.

Kajima Environmental Vision: Triple Zero 2050

Kajima Environmental Vision: Triple Zero 2050

The Kajima Environmental Vision: Triple Zero 2050 recognizes carbon neutrality, resource recycling and harmoniously co-existing with nature as the key aspects of a sustainable society, and sets Zero Carbon, Zero Waste, and Zero Impact to be the future goals for Kajima to achieve by 2050.

Each of the three Zero goals has been set from two perspectives: risks (reducing the environmental impact of business activities will achieve the Zero goals) and opportunities (the Zero goals will be achieved through business/product proposals made to society and our customers).

Target 2030 identifies the core activities for achieving Triple Zero 2050 and sets the 2030 target for the design and construction phases as quantitatively as possible.

Triple Zero 2050 was formulated in May 2013, but to match it to the state of society, it was reviewed once in May 2018, May 2021, September 2022, and again in June 2023, each time resulting in the revision of the carbon neutrality goal.

Targets 2030

Target 2030 identifies the core activities for achieving Triple Zero 2050 and sets the 2030 target for the design and construction phases as quantitatively as possible.

Social Goals
Triple Zero 2050
Target 2030
a More
Sustainable World
Carbon Neutrality

A society that balances greenhouse gas emissions from human activities with the Earth’s capacity for CO2 absorption

Zero Carbon

Aiming to achieve carbon neutrality for the Kajima Group’s greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1,2,3 emissions)

[Group-wide]Reduce Group-wide greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and 2 emissions) per unit of sales by 42% or more compared to fiscal 2021 (equivalent to a 42% reduction of total emissions with fixed construction amount). Reduce Scope 3 emissions (classed as Category 1 during construction material production and Category 11 during building operation) by 25%.

[Architectural Design]Implement ZEB/ZEH levels for all building construction projects
starting in or after fiscal 2030.
Note: The target for contract awards for construction projects starting in or after fiscal 2025 is for at least 50% to meet ZEB/ZEH levels.

Recycle Resources

A society that pursues zero emissions by employing state-ofthe-art infrastructure maintained and operated using sustainable resources

Zero Waste
  • Aiming to eliminate waste from construction operations by ensuring zero final waste disposal during construction, utilizing sustainable materials, and making buildings last longer
  • Completely eliminate final waste disposal from construction operations
  • Achieve a usage rate of recycled materials of at least 60% for principal construction materials (steel, cement, ready-mixed concrete, crushed stone and asphalt)
Harmoniously Co-Existing with Nature

A society that values the continuous benefits of ecosystem services by minimizing the impact of human activities on the environment and living creatures

Zero Impact
  • Aiming to minimize the overall environmental impact of construction operations by limiting their effect on nature and living creatures while promoting the restoration of biodiversity and new ways to make use of its benefits
  • Promote biodiversity restoration projects
  • Build a portfolio of effective projects and make them hubs for biodiversity-related networking

Management of hazardous substances: Thoroughly implement preventative measures (especially for soil contamination and asbestos)

Common Foundation Initiative Areas
  • Conduct technology development
  • Actively distribute information in and outside the Company

SBT(Science Based Targets)

Kajima acquired SBT certification in July 2023.

Environmental Policy

When formulating the Environmental Vision, Kajima also fully revised the Kajima Environmental Policy to clarify that the objective of its environmental management is to achieve Triple Zero 2050.

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