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Promoting Environmental Communication

We are actively working to communicate with local communities by delivering on-demand lectures on environmental topics.

Cooperating with the Supply Chain and Stakeholders

Ascertaining Energy Usage in the Supply Chain

Kajima's supply chain consists principally of partner companies that work with us at construction sites. At Kajima construction sites, we strive to reduce CO2 emissions with partner companies through efforts such as programs that train workers to operate heavy machinery with less fuel. We also hold an annual event to present model cases submitted by partner companies across Japan so that we can spread excellent ideas nationwide.

Among our partner companies, we ask our Group companies to report their energy consumption. We then report the obtained data to management at the Environmental Committee and other meetings. We are discussing consumption reduction measures in detail with companies that have particularly high CO2 emissions.

Activities in Industry and External Groups

The Japan Federation of Construction Contractors, an industry group consisting of 140 domestic general contractors (as of December 2024), aims to help the construction industry solve many different problems, advance technology, and promote business improvement. It sets up a committee for each issue to be solved. With regard to environmental issues, it contributes to creating a sustainable society through the efforts at the Environment Committee to comply with environment-related laws and regulations, reduce environmental impact, and protect the environment. The measures to be implemented are compiled into “the Construction Industry Voluntary Action Plan on the Environment” every five years since in 1996, and the results of these activities are also published.

The Kajima Environment Committee proactively participates in the Environmental Management Commission (deputy-chaired by Kajima), the Global Warming Commission, the Construction Byproduct Commission (chaired by Kajima), and the Biodiversity Commission, where we take the lead in industry activity. Each commission has produced results that help the entire industry, such as implementing training programs on energy-saving machinery operations, conducting surveys on CO2 emissions, and compiling "Guidelines for Using Biodiesel Fuels" and "Q&A on Waste from Construction Operations."

In addition, we coordinate with the government by participating in the Japan Association of Technologies for Climate Change (where Kajima is a trustee), the Japan Business and Biodiversity Partnership (a private involvement initiative), and the Minato Eco-Conscious Consortium.

Cooperating with Local Communities

At Hayama Marine Science Laboratory (Zushi City, Kanagawa Prefecture), the Kajima Technical Research Institute has been working to restore eelgrass meadows (sometimes called the cradles of the sea) for 15 years or more in cooperation with local primary schools, the fishery cooperative association, and nonprofit organizations.

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