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Kajima Group Conduct Guidelines for Business Partners

Established: September 30, 2020

Kajima explicitly indicates the social mission of its corporate activities by proclaiming as its Management Philosophy: “As a group of individuals working together as one, we pursue creative progress and development founded on both rational, scientific principles and a humanitarian outlook, through which we strive to continually advance our business operations and contribute to society.” Moreover, the Kajima Group Code of Conduct stipulates that each director, executive officer, corporate auditor, and employee of the Kajima Group must uphold our commitment to appropriate and honest corporate conduct based on the highest ethical standards and social responsibility.

In our procurement activities, we will build a sustainable supply chain based on mutual understanding and relationships of trust with our business partners and practice corporate conduct in accordance with our Management Philosophy and the Kajima Group Code of Conduct.

To achieve this goal, Kajima has established the following “Conduct Guidelines for Business Partners.” The guidelines, shared with business partners around the world who make up our supply chain, set out those matters about which we ask for compliance, respect, and strict adherence with respect to compliance with laws and regulations, respect for human rights, consideration for the environment, ensuring quality, and other responsibilities. We ask for the understanding and cooperation of our business partners in this matter. We also ask that you encourage your own supply chains to comply with the matters set out in these guidelines.

Conduct Guidelines for Business Partners

  1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations and Sensible Conduct

    Observe the letter and spirit of all applicable laws and regulations, international rules, and social norms in the countries and regions in which corporate activities are conducted, and act sensibly and in good faith.

  2. Fair and Appropriate Trade and Anti-corruption

    Conduct fair and appropriate trade to ensure the prevention of all forms of corruption, including extortion, bribery, and the provision and receipt of advantages that deviate from what is socially acceptable.

  3. Eradication of Any Involvement with Antisocial Forces

    Forbid any activity whatsoever with anti-social forces and take appropriate measures to ensure this.

  4. Prohibition of Discrimination and Unfair Treatment

    Respect the basic human rights, character, individuality, and diversity of directors, executive officers, corporate auditors, employees, and any other person concerned. Prohibit all discrimination, harassment, or unfair treatment in the workplace, including hiring practices and conditions, on the grounds of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, religion, origin, disability, or physical characteristics.

  5. No Child Labor or Forced Labor

    Do not allow child labor or forced labor of any kind and do not be complicit in any human rights violations.

  6. Providing a Comfortable Working Environment That Is Healthy, Safe, and Secure

    Strive to develop, maintain, and improve a safe, hygienic, and healthy working environment, and at construction sites, strive to establish a system for preventing occupational injuries and accidents through active communication and cooperation, and maintain and improve management capabilities for that purpose. Also, do not overlook even minor work-related accidents if they do occur. Create an atmosphere that makes it easy to report occupational injuries and accidents, and raise awareness that it is important to do so.

  7. Proper Management of Working Hours

    Appropriately manage employees' working hours, holidays, and leave, and prohibit excessive overtime work.

  8. Payment of Appropriate Wages

    Comply with the payment of at least the statutory minimum wage and strive to pay more than a living wage. Also, do not make unreasonable wage reductions.

  9. Respecting Employees' Right to Organize and Right of Collective Bargaining

    Respect the rights of employees to organize and bargain collectively, and establish good relationships between management and employees through consultation.

  10. Environmental Friendliness

    Taking into account impact on local communities and biodiversity, seek to reduce environmental impact and prevent pollution by making effective use of resources, reducing waste, using water efficiently, and managing hazardous substances appropriately. Also, address climate change issues such as curbing greenhouse gas emissions and improving energy efficiency.

  11. Ensuring Quality

    Establish and maintain a system to ensure the required quality, and conduct technological development and improvement to maintain and enhance quality. In the event of a quality accident or other such incident, report it promptly and respond appropriately.

  12. Ensuring Information Security

    Comply with the rules for appropriate handling and management of personal and confidential information, and establish and maintain systems to protect against information security incidents such as information leakage, loss, theft, and infection of computer viruses. In the event of an information security incident, report it promptly and respond appropriately.

  13. Response to Disasters and Other Unforeseen Situations

    In preparation for unforeseen situations such as disasters, work at ordinary times to establish and maintain a business continuity plan (BCP) system by conducting education and training with an emphasis on the roles and actions of one’s own company. Also, cooperate actively in recovery efforts in the event of a disaster or other incident.

Addressing Guideline Violations

Should a violation of these guidelines occur, we will seek corrective action from the business partner concerned and, if necessary, provide guidance and assistance to thoroughly investigate the cause and take action to prevent recurrences.

In addition, if it becomes difficult to continue trading because the violation of these guidelines has severely impaired the relationship of trust, if sufficient measures are not implemented despite requests for correction, or if we determine that the desired correction is unlikely even after providing continuous guidance and assistance, we will consider discontinuing the business relationship with the business partner.

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