
Implementing zero-waste concrete system to an actual construction site



An innovative system that reduces concrete waste generated at construction sites to zero has been put to practical use at the construction site of a large-scale production facility in Kumamoto Prefecture. This has been achieved by adding a simpledevice to the on-site wastewater treatment facility. After washing out and removing aggregate from waste concrete, the remaining cement slurry is passed through a special device producing ultrafine bubbles to efficiently absorb and mineralise CO2. The recovered aggregate was reused as roadbed material for a passageway within the construction site. In the future, we aim to further reduce CO2 emissions by capturing the exhaust gas from heavy machinery used on site and utilising it to treat waste concrete, thereby contributing to the realization of a decarbonized society.


Related Technologies

  • Reduced-cement concrete:
    Cutting CO2 emissions in construction

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