Installation of Energy-saving Equipment and Solar Power System at
”Senayan Square” Selected as a JCM Model Project
February 27, 2023
The first model project selected for a large mixed-use development
already in the operation phase
Senayan Square, a large-scale mixed-use complex developed and operated by Kajima in Jakarta, Indonesia, was selected by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MoEJ) as a Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) Model Project※1 for its plan to renew energy-saving air conditioning system and introduce solar power system. This is the first time that a large-scale mixed-use development project already in the operation phase has been selected for this JCM financing support programme.
JCM Model Project in FY2022
Name of Model Project:
- Installation of Energy-saving Equipment and Solar Power System to Complex Building in Jakarta
Selected Technologies and Target Facilities:
- (1) High-efficiency Chiller: Plaza Senayan (Commercial facility)
- (2) High-efficiency Air Conditioner: Part of Plaza Senayan and its annex
- (3) Solar Power System: Sentral Senayan I and II (Office towers)
This Model Project will be implemented in cooperation with Yuko Keiso Co., Ltd.
Overall View of Senayan Square
Senayan Square is a large-scale complex of commercial facilities, office towers, apartments, and a hotel developed on state-owned land of approximately 190,000 m2 leased from the Indonesian government. The development is a 40-year Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) project in which Kajima is responsible for the development, design, construction, and operation of the facility until 2036, when the BOT period ends.
Despite the fact that more than a quarter of a century has passed since the first facility opened in 1996, the quality of the facilities at Senayan Square is still considered among the best in the country. An enormous amount of energy is, however, required to provide a comfortable environment for the more than 10 million visitors each year. In order to continue to lead the real estate market as a model case for sustainable facility operation and management in the country that is highly dependent on fossil fuels, the decision was made to install the state-of-the-art equipment that will contribute to reducing the environmental impact through the support of the subsidy.
Electricity generated by the newly installed solar power system will be supplied to the two office towers and used to meet the electricity needs of office tenants who wish to use green energy.
Pusat Pengelolaan Kompleks Gelora Bung Karno, or PPKGBK, as a member of the Indonesian government that is actively promoting decarbonization and as a partner in the development of this BOT, fully supports the implementation of this project.
Going forward, Kajima will continue to make various efforts and initiatives with the goal of contributing to both further economic development and carbon neutral in Indonesia.
※1 The Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) model project provides financial support to projects that use advanced decarbonization technologies to reduce greenhouse gas, or GHG, emissions in developing countries, as well as conducts measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) of those projects. The purpose is to reduce GHG emissions in developing countries and contribute to the achievement of GHG emission reduction targets in Japan and its Partner countries through this model project. The subsidy is provided up to 50% of the initial investment cost of selected decarbonization technologies. This model project has been implemented in cooperation with the governments of Indonesia and Japan.